LUCKSTOCK.COM - Royalty Free Music and Audio Marketplace
LUCKSTOCK.COM - Royalty Free Music and Audio Marketplace - Hear Your Success

141,747 Royalty Free Music & Audio
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	 Epic and dramatic orchestral music for history, archaeology and culture documentaries.  
	 4 different tracks with multiple versions included:  
		 - Cultural Heritage  
		 - History Of Glory  
		 - Legendary Castles  
		 - Discovery Expedition

Epic and dramatic orchestral music for history, archaeology and culture documentaries.

4 different tracks with multiple versions included:


  • - Cultural Heritage
  • - History Of Glory
  • - Legendary Castles
  • - Discovery Expedition
12 Collection items
Discovery Expedition by Pantheon
Discovery Expedition
Legendary Castles by Pantheon
Legendary Castles
Cultural Heritage by Pantheon
Cultural Heritage
History Of Glory by Pantheon
History Of Glory
Discovery Expedition - Logo by Pantheon
Discovery Expedition - Logo
Discovery Expedition - 30s by Pantheon
Discovery Expedition - 30s
Legendary Castles - Logo by Pantheon
Legendary Castles - Logo
Legendary Castles - 30s by Pantheon
Legendary Castles - 30s
12 Collection items

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