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	This music can evoke a "continuum of spatial imagery and emotion," which can be beneficial for introspection, and for developing, through a practice of deep listening, an awareness of the spatiality of sound phenomenon. 
	The music listening can produce a subtle trance-like state in certain individuals which can in turn lead to sensations of flying, floating, cruising, gliding, or hovering.

This music can evoke a "continuum of spatial imagery and emotion," which can be beneficial for introspection, and for developing, through a practice of deep listening, an awareness of the spatiality of sound phenomenon.

The music listening can produce a subtle trance-like state in certain individuals which can in turn lead to sensations of flying, floating, cruising, gliding, or hovering.

4 Collection items
Alphabet of the world (Tebaphla) by Savka_Oleg
Alphabet of the world (Tebaphla)
Sataram ha by Savka_Oleg
Sataram ha
Anakhata by Savka_Oleg
Healing meditation by Savka_Oleg
Healing meditation
4 Collection items

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