LUCKSTOCK.COM - Royalty Free Music and Audio Marketplace
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Bulk Uploads - Author Tutorial

Introducing Bulk Upload ToolUploading of your portfolio has never been easier!
Technical skills not required! Uploading is plain simple.

Finally we've got a tool that will simplify the upload of your whole portfolio to LuckStock in five simple steps!

  1. 1 Prepare a data-sheet file according to rules given below;
  2. 2 Bundle your items with prepared data-sheet file in a single ZIP file;
  3. 3 Upload ZIP file to your Dropbox account;
  4. 4 Select your ZIP with "Choose from Dropbox" button on Item submission page;
  5. 5 We'll do the rest and inform you on completion via email.

Rules of Data-sheet File Preparation Use Dropbox as alternate uploading tool
In case you're experiencing problems with both our general and alternate upload tools, you're allowed to use Bulk Upload Tool as third-party mechanism to upload your items to LuckStock.

To enable us to attribute your files automatically, make sure you prepare data-sheet file accordaning to the following table:

Filename Title Description Type Category Looped Tags BPM
file.wav My Music Score General Description Music Ambient Yes cool, positive 120
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

The filename of data-sheet file and the order of columns doesn't matter (it's Ok if you name the data-sheet file "datasheet.xls" and change the order of columns).

Our Bulk Upload Tool is smart, but make sure you provide the data-sheet file in one of the following formats:

  • - MS Excel 2003, 2007 or 2010 Workbook ("xls" or "xlsx" extensions);
  • - Comma, Semi-colon or Tab delimited Plain Text ("csv" or "txt" extensions).

In case you don't provide data-sheet in ZIP file, or the file format is corrupted, all WAV files found in ZIP will be uploaded separately and you'll have to add the tags/categories/descriptions for them manually.

Other Requirements

Please submit your audio files according to requirements guideline from Author Tutorial.
Keep your ZIP file size below 1,000MB and if not possible, break it into several pieces and submit them separately.
Only Latin letters are allowed to use in file names.

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