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Paradox One

Paradox One Production is a Belarus based music production house specializing in creating audio for IT-products (games and applications), advertising, film and TV. We partner with Gismart - one of the biggest software companies in the world that focus on developing educational music applications and music games for iOS and Android devices. Paradox One Production provides music for their apps, advertising and creates sound design in games. We also collaborate with Recisio - а French company that provides custom instrumental backing tracks and has millions of users worldwide. Our team produces music of the highest quality for Recisio’s services.

Paradox One Production has been also partnering with such companies as Heineken, Wargaming, Game Insight, Olivaria and many others.

Get in touch with us to discuss your need for custom-made music - it's more affordable than most people think!

Paradox One Production has been used by companies such as Heineken, Wargaming, Game Insight, Olivaria and many others. Get in touch to discuss your need for custom-made music - it's more affordable than most people think!

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