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Time to Chill


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This joyful instrumental production song expresses lots of common life human feelings around one concept, love. Feelings towards being happy and optimistic, having fun playing, being sweet and romantic, emotional and sentimental, melancholic or tender, peaceful and calm, being proud, achieving goals, people doing things, making progress, winning, dreaming, being good at work and successful, going somewhere, movement, meeting someone you care about, easy youth innocence, children, babies, pets, animals, etc. The positive emotions generated can be multiplied when used together with a video production, advertisement or images accordingly. It will also fit perfect together with a holiday concept, like a summer family trip, amazing nature discoveries, relaxing at a hot tropical beach, adventure world traveling, inspirational beautiful landscapes, searching for magical mystical places, relaxed vacations, etc.

This artistic and empowering track has a great groovy rhythm generated by electronic drums, percussion and mallet instruments (stylish latin house beats in some parts with shakers) and supported by a deep and warm sound bass. The harmony is played mainly by a Rhodes electric piano together with ambient synths and a grand piano. The catchy melody is played by an electric guitar which hits-in in the middle of the song with the first break. The song structure is dynamic, varied and fun. This production feels very organic and human, still very sharp and very modern.

Fresh, cool and versatile, is perfect for any inspirational, motivational or uplifting project, creative presentations and events, business and corporative projects, advertising, ad, TV jingles, cue, radio advertise, internet videos and movies, documentary, film (cinematic soundtrack), promotions and publicity of products and services, exhibitions or as background music for any commercial production or location. This track can be played completely or looped in several parts if desired.

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