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Showing 889 - 912 of 1972 total items
Hard Rock by raudieirik789526
02:12Tempo/BPM: Medium Slow (85)
Upbeat Metal by 83Crutch
01:43Tempo/BPM: Medium (114)
Extreme by 83Crutch
01:59Tempo/BPM: Medium (109)
Lonely Metal Bird by 83Crutch
01:51Tempo/BPM: Medium Slow (104)
The Metal Man by 83Crutch
01:50Tempo/BPM: Medium Fast (130)
Power by davedondee536313
02:06Tempo/BPM: Medium Fast (148)
Rock or Riff by HyppocampeSound
02:51Tempo/BPM: Medium Slow (97)
Hard Rock by 83Crutch
01:42Tempo/BPM: Medium (106)
Frisky Hard Rock by 83Crutch
01:33Tempo/BPM: Medium (124)
Rock by 83Crutch
01:31Tempo/BPM: Medium Fast (140)
Metalcore by 83Crutch
01:40Tempo/BPM: Very Fast (170)
Epic Rock by davedondee536313
02:30Tempo/BPM: Medium Fast (145)
Showing 889 - 912 of 1972 total items

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