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The Easy Life Loop - easy listening ukulele pop


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This is a gentle and easy going commercial background music track that is pleasant, relaxed, and has a warm romantic nostalgic feel. There is a nice melodic strumming that has an agreeable sweet tone that imparts you into a good feeling happy mood! It has acoustic ukulele (an antique 1930's Rickter tuned traditionally), grand piano, orchestral string section, 5 string electric bass guitar, and a quarter note maraca rhythm. Even though it's relaxed and laid back it's still has an upbeat and lively groove at 140 beats per minute. Edited for seamless looping.

Hawaii, acceptance, accomplishment, achievement, acoustic pop, background, beach, business, cheerful, comfortable, confident, corporate, delightful, enjoyable, friendly, fun, good feeling, gratifying,loop, looped, loops,

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